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Hall School

a specialist college

for communication and interaction


Thank you for visiting our website and we hope you enjoy your virtual journey around Hall School.

Rachel Ridgeway


We hope our website will provide relevant information for you but nothing can replace a visit to Hall School as we pride ourselves on our warm, positive and welcoming environment.

Hall School is about average in size for this type of 3-19 all-age school. Pupils have significant and complex needs, including severe learning difficulties, profound and multiple learning difficulties, autistic spectrum disorders and multi-sensory impairments

Ofsted say that:

Pupils’ behaviour continues to be good. They grow in confidence and develop very positive attitudes to learning as they move through the school. Pupils show great pride in their work and achievements, which is reflected in their eagerness to participate in all activities and in their good attendance. Pupils benefit from a highly individualised curriculum with an emphasis on developing communication and independence skills.


We were awarded specialist status for our Communication and Interaction work and provide outreach support to other schools. Our work has also been recognised through Activemark, Sportsmark, Healthy Schools and Network in Excellence for Computing Science and Teaching.

Please visit some of our education partners from the links in the footer.


In early years, children learn through a rich variety of play experiences. As they move through the school, pupils develop their basic skills of literacy, numeracy and communication across a range of topics. Students in the sixth form are well prepared for the next stage of their lives. Ofsted 2018


Our Ethos



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